Last Price !!VOLFENHAG ZX-5169 Monoblock Channel 3000Watt Car Audio Amplifier [Electronics].
Buy on the merchant 's on-line looking and scan reviews. If you are trying to search out VOLFENHAG ZX-5169 Monoblock Channel 3000Watt Car Audio Amplifier [Electronics] with the best worth. This is the simplest deals for you. Where you'll realize these item is by on-line searching stores? Read the review onVOLFENHAG ZX-5169 Monoblock Channel 3000Watt Car Audio Amplifier [Electronics]Now, it 's spacial worth. Therefore don't lose it.
Main Features : VOLFENHAG ZX-5169 Monoblock Channel 3000Watt Car Audio Amplifier [Electronics]
Built-In Crossover, Sensitivity Input Control, Remote Bass Control, Variable Low Pass Filter 45Hz~300Hz, Variable High Pass Filter 45Hz~300Hz, Variable Bass Boost Control, High and Low Impedance Input, Overheat and Short Circuit Protection, Power and Diagnostic LED Indicator, Tri-Mode Capability, PWN Mosfet Power Supply, High Efficiency Die-Cast Heat Sink, Soft Delayed Power On, Bypass Line Output, 3000 Watt Mono Amplifier, Class D, 1-Ohm Stable,
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